Monday, April 25, 2016

Three Month Update

Today is 3 months...three months since our Gotcha Day.  It continues to be such an adventure watching Lily adapt to everything so quickly.  We stay amazed each and every day about her progress.  And, oh, her little personality is just as sweet and fun as it can be!

Lily totally "gets" her nightime routine:
1.  bath
2.  snuggling on couch watching a show while having milk
(Wallykazam, Bubble Guppies, Barney - incase any of you are looking for a new show to watch)
3.  Brush teeth - this is not a favorite time for Lily but we are working on it.  We should have this down by the time her permanent teeth get here. :)
4.  Story time in the rocking chair in her room.  Lily loves going over to pick a book to read each night.
5.  Then snuggling and "nite-nite" time.

The big change with Lily's sleeping this past month is we've stopped napping.  When Lily was napping, she was going to sleep later and later each night.  Now without naps, she's asleep by 8:30 and sleeps for about 11-12 hours each night.

Now when I say we don't nap, that means I don't lay her down to nap anymore.  She will, however, take a quick cat nap if we happen to be in the car doing a few errands in the afternoon!
My view most mornings

Although we don't officially have a "nap" time, Lily is quick to get a few minutes of shut eye when we are out and about in the afternoon

A few friends with her this day

Lily usually has Gracie or Roxi nearby

After our "Sip and See" shower at work.  That wore her out to be the center of attention but she absolutely loved it!

Lily is still enjoying her food!  While she enjoys her food, we get to enjoy the entertainment of her eating and visiting with us.  She likes so many foods right now and I'd like to say she eats a well balanced, healthy diet but that would be a lie since she doesn't include veggies yet. Although this past week, she did enjoy some cucumbers and hummus.  She also likes almost anything that's put on toothpicks for her to eat from so there may be some veggies like that in her future.

Lily's reaction that her ham and cheese were on a toothpick - so excited!!

Her top three favorites now are chicken nuggets, watermelon and milk.  I wonder if one could live on just those three things??

Other current likes: chips and hot sauce (Lily was meant to be a Texan), pork, pizza (took a while to like this, and whew, she does!) chicken, grapes (liked these, then didn't like them, now likes them again), mandarin oranges, strawberries (didn't like these, but now does), crackers, oatmeal, and cereal.

A little cereal one morning

Enjoying her first freeze pop

Pizza Night:
Notice her asking for more, but we didn't have more.  She did get pretty excited when she saw another little piece though behind her piece of crust.  I get excited when that happens to me too!

Attachment is still going great!  She is well attached to both Mommy and Daddy.  She is definitely turning into a little Daddy's girl and I love that!
That face - so serious!

We weren't really planning on playing in the water this day but oh well...

A morning walk to Starbucks and sharing some banana bread.  Check out the upside down sunglasses!

Lily loves to play with just about anything.  Some favorites or right now are:  going to splashpads, playing with anything that has music, play dough, play tea set, duplo blocks, her little people characters, her farm and zoo animals,  iPad kid songs, and playing with Gracie and Roxi.

One of her favorite songs is the Barney song I love you. She asks for it on her iPad and when it plays, she always wants you to pick her up so she can hug you while she sings along.  Totally precious and it melts my heart each time!

A little splashpad fun

Hat bigger than her...check!!

Watching Barney in our bathroom while I get ready one day

She is fun to play with and she's pretty much up for anything.  She is beginning to find things funny - like when I dumped the blocks all out of the bag onto the floor to play with!  Lily is also beginning to clean up as we sing a clean up song. :)
Playdough bracelets

Wonder what she's thinking about?!?!

Step aside Bob the Builder and meet Lily the Builder!

Lily's communication skills have been one of the best things to watch unfold.  It amazes me how quickly things are changing.  Lily now says a lot of things with prompting but is beginning to say some things unprompted!  Some of her unprompted words are: more, one more time, Gracie, Roxi, puppy dog, kitty cat, flower, Bonny, Bobert (Robert), bye-bye.

She understands SO much!  We can tell her to get her shoes and she goes and gets them, get a book and she'll go get one, get the puppies ready to walk and she'll get the leashes, time to go bye bye and she'll be ready at the door and so much more.  It is just unbelievable to us how far she's come in three short months.  90 days.  Wow!!

She still of course "babbles" and boy is she expressive when talking!

Lily is now feeling at home with us and it's so awesome to see the transformation.  She knows where things are, knows our routine and is a happy camper.  Most importantly, she knows she is loved!

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