Tuesday, April 19, 2016


If you look at my phone pictures now, 99.9% of them are of Lily.  So today is a day to share a plethora of randomness from my phone!  Not a lot of narration, today is a picture day.

We loved seeing Aunt Debbie or Bebbie as Lily said. Come back soon to visit again!

Loving some water play

At the "kid" table

Sometimes snack is better when sitting like this on the stool

The Queen of the wagon

Enjoying the iPad.  Yes, she is very good at scrolling and pushing buttons!

Front porch time before family pictures

Walking up and down these steps while Mommy was trying to take pictures.  Up and down, again and again.

Ready for school?!?!

With my Mommy on the day she resigned from work!

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