Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Why, Oh Why?

Bringing Lily home has brought many questions to mind.  Exactly how do toddlers go from happy  to upset in less than 1 second?  I have to admit that Lily is happy 99.5% of the time but that other part, geez!

 Please advise should you have the perfect answer to any of these!

Just doing a little work for the day - happy, happy.

want you to hold them nonstop when at home but throw a fit to hold your hand in a parking lot?

get so sleepy yawning and rubbing their eyes, but when you put them to bed, they have enough energy to run a marathon?

are happy as a clam playing with toys until you decide to make a quick phone call?

won't finish eating dinner but wants the food once you go to give it to the puppies?

want the spoon to eat but continues to throw the spoon onto the floor?
Here's an example of that situation:
Having breakfast, life is good:  happy!

After throwing the spoon on the floor again, Mommy and Daddy didn't jump right up to get it.   To top it off, while nobody picked it up, Gracie the lab came over to lick off all remaining food.
Life is not good: very sad and upset.

And before you all are thinking we are horrible, mean parents and turn us in, here is the situation just a few seconds later.
Life is good again with Daddy:  happy, happy.

want you to hold them and then once you do, they wiggle down only to want up again?

want you to take the clothes off of a doll or stuffed animal and then two seconds later, want you to put the exact same clothes back on?

want your help most of the time, but then emphatically shake their head no and wave their hand at you when you go to help them with something they can't do independently yet?

are  fine in the car until you go to get them out once you get home and then won't walk on their own so that you can get the stuffed animal, the cup, the snacks, the hair bow that was thrown off,  the jackets, the grocery bag, and my purse?

Life is never dull around here and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

1 comment:

  1. But she is still our precious, precious Lily. Oh my goodness how blessed we are to have her. I truly don't know what we were all doing until you brought her home. We wake up thinking about her and go to bed thinking about her. If we don't start getting pictures or videos on our phones soon after she gets up in the morning, we are sure the world is ending. Surely her mom and dad have nothing else to do other than distribute pictures to the rest of the family ALL day long. If you are a bit late that day, the texts start up with everyone wondering about the delay. She is our joy!
