Thursday, September 29, 2016

Last Weekend

This last weekend was spent with more family which Lily of course LOVED!!  A baseball tournament in the area was reason enough to spend some time together. 

 Lily loves her some cousin time!

We spent the weekend watching baseball, relaxing and enjoying some swim time!

Catch me Andrea!!

This past Sunday was also eight months since our Gotcha Day with Lily!  We are all just such a perfect fit for each other.  This little girl needed a family and we needed her.  Over the last 8 months she has learned so much and adapted extremely well to everything that came her way.  She has a ton of family who love her and for that we are all very thankful. She amazes us every day with how well she's doing.  Her little personality is the best and she just keeps coming out of her little shell with family and now at school! We love her so very much and love to see her enjoy life like she does. Lucky for us, we get to experience all of this with her and it really is the best!!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Family Wedding

This is what the three of us here have been "celebrating" this past week:
We are hoping this contract doesn't get renewed in the Spring but we aren't very hopeful!

We came home last Monday from a fantastic time as we traveled to Ohio for Lisa and Matt's wedding!  Lily and I left Friday and Michael joined us Saturday.  Lily loved meeting more family: cousins, uncles, great Aunts.  This little girl has so much family who absolutely adore her. 

 As one commented when Lily began to cry a little one day, "Oh, Lily cries?  I didn't think she cried!"  Not very often, but staying up til after midnight three nights in a row and getting up early at 7 to go have breakfast with everyone makes for a very tired little girl.

At the airport watching the planes - she's her Daddy's daughter!

Staying busy while we wait to take off

We made it!  In the hotel room her favorite thing is to "call" people. Yes, we did unplug the phones and yes, one was found inside a drawer when we were leaving.

I was so happy to make it to the hotel!  Long story short, my sister was suppose to meet me at the airport as we were landing within a couple minutes of each other and with gates right next to each other.  Well, plans don't always work out and she missed her connection due to late arrivals so Lily and I were on our own at the airport.  To pick up our suitcase.  And get the rent car.  Just the two of us.  I had to put on my big girl panties and tell myself I could do this alone!

Once again, Lily was a champ.  I gate checked her stroller so I was able to put her in that as we made a restroom stop and headed down to baggage.  Of course we had to find all the elevators so if you are ever in Columbus and need to know where the elevators are at the airport, we can help a girlfriend out!  Next stop was our rent car.  We only took one elevator to the wrong level and had to get back in to come down for the rent car counter.  We ordered a car seat so when the guy at the rent car counter brought it out, I though now how in the world am I going to push a stroller with Lily, carry a backpack, push a suitcase and carry a car seat all the way out to the rent car???  The worker must have seen my "crazy mommy" face because he carried the car seat out and went to get the car to pull up to me!  Once installed and the car packed we were off!  I did it.  Lily and I did it alone and once again, I felt like a grown up!

We had some fun times meeting for meals:

Lily loving time with family!

Yea, two of my aunts with me in the middle!!

Glad her Daddy made it in the next day

Ready to go to the wedding

My sister and, we did not go shopping together nor plan the outfits!!

The happy couple

Mother and "Grandaddy"  of the Bride

The four of us "kids"

The five of us together!

Very relaxed out by the pool

Some sister time with sangria!

On the plane, headed home...
A very tired, happy and loved little girl!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Friday

Happy Friday! 
Boy, are we are ready for a fun weekend with family!  Lily will be meeting some more family for the first time and she's been working hard on names all week.

Lily loves putting on a leotard and getting ready for gymnastics.
Dressed and ready to go

A quick walk before we leave for class

Waiting.  Is it time yet?

In other news, we've been having a little something done to our backyard.  Lily loves to watch the workers out there working.

Any guesses as to what's going on?!?!?
Well, after talking about it since we moved in over 11 years ago...

We are close to having our pool finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This and That

We are settling into our new routine with school twice a week and gymnastics once a week.  Those three days make for a tired Lily and a very tired Mommy!

I'll let the pictures do most of the "talking" on this post. 

A little library time...

Playing around the house...

LOVE the back of this outfit!!

Playing one evening while I was cooking

For lunch one day, we practiced with this container.  This was given to us by Lily's school and it's what the little ones bring their lunches in.  This week at school was the first full week - 4 hours per day, twice a week so it was also the first week to eat lunch there!

A quick stop for some ice cream while out and about.  This cone was HUGE!  Lily is use to the little ones so she wasn't too sure how to eat it.  And no, we didn't let her eat the whole thing...we helped her, like good parents should!

A quick lunch and walk at Market Street

A sneak peek of an outfit for a family wedding coming up

Checking the color of her tongue after a freeze pop

Lily had some visitors in bed the other night during a storm

Out and about on 9/11